Thursday, March 8, 2012


Ok so here is the final entry to get us in the here and now.

I left off at the pursuit school. Once we graduated it was time to make our trek back to Houma, Louisiana. Since we graduated way earlier than expected we tried to get an earlier flight. I called SATO as we were in the van and every single flight out of Jacksonville North Carolina was booked except one that was later than what we had already. Damn Marines and their liberty weekend.

Oh, I forgot to mention, when the cab pulled up I asked him how his breaks were. He replies " Well I think they are fixed. How did you know?" I about freaked! I told him about our cab ride to school and he said his were bad they were just squeaky. Whew! But damn, what is it with cabs and brakes? You would think that would be an important maintenance to keep up on. Just saying....

Back on point... We were able to get on a flight that was a couple of hours sooner than our regular one. Once we got to Charlotte North Carolina, I checked the flight board and saw that there was only one flight into New Orleans and that was the one we were already booked on. So we had another wait ahead of us. Much better airport this time. A whole hell of alot more stuff in it than some rinky dink two terminal airport.

The bad thing was our flight out was scheduled for 10:30 pm but had been delayed to 11:15 pm. So we ate, hung out at the USO, then just chilled at the terminal. As we were eating we noticed a huge ass storm going pretty much top to bottom of the east coast. Great. Our flight was then delayed to Midnight because the plane coming in was coming from Indianapolis Indiana.

By the time all was said and done we got into our hotel rooms in Houma around 2 am which was technically 3 am east coast time where we left. We had gotten up at 6 that morning. Yup lllllloooonnnnnnggggg ass day. Thankfully my roomate was in Mobile for the weekend so I had the room to myself so I could just sleep in. Nice.

Monday brought us back to the ole routine. The only thing we missed out on was a fleet dedication ceremony that everyone was in their Bravos for. It was nice we missed out on wearing the Bravos but from what I heard the ceremony was really cool and the CO and XO really wished we could have experienced it. That and the crews picture will be in a museum in Manteo, North Carolina (near where I was last stationed) and me and Alex won't be in it because we were at school. I missed that oopurtunity to be a part of history.

It's all good. There will be more chances because I WILL BE LEGENDARY....

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