
Here are some of the random things I say. Enjoy.

  • When I'm not being a bitch, I'm being an asshole.
  • Maybe my peeps and your peeps can be peeps. Or we can just get those Marshmallow candies that they sell at Easter. Either way.
  • Lesson learned,  but more than likely going to be repeated.
  • Honey...I'm home!!! Oh, yeah. I forgot. I'm single.
  • I'm in a perfect alignment of craziness.
  • When you wish upon a star, remember that the star burned out millions of years ago so the star is dead. Just like your wish.
  • I technically don't have the "balls" to do it but I do have the tits to pull if off.
  • FCK all that is missing is U (ok I didn't make that one up, but it sounds like something I'd say)
  • I'm well ventilated
  • A cascade of cleanliness
  • No, its cool. I will just catch it with my face.
  • Nothing says "I love me" like new ink.
  • I was an angry ball of craziness
  • I think I bruised my vagina.
  • It looks like I slipped and fell at a glitter factory. Or a strip club. 
  • I want you like pancakes want syrup.
  • I may or may not have stole $35 out of his wallet.
  • Yes it is dirty, but its not like I'm going to lick the ground or anything.
  • I am busier than a rabbit in heat.
  • Anyone can catch a frisbee with their hands, I try to catch them with my face.
  • My nose was being totally over dramatic in the bleeding department. 
  • I felt like I was doing the Truffle Shuffle rather than jogging.
  • Your superstitions are no match for my lack of inhibition.
  • Hello flood gates.
  • Seis de Mayo...Thats Cinco de Mayo +1
  • Busier than an ant during a sugar spill
  • Hi Door. Meet my face.
  • Anna Nicole Smith is dead to the world....just like I was before you woke me up
  • Just call me Lollipop cause I am a sucker.
  • It's not as wet as it looks...(as it's sitting in the pouring rain)
  • Your ass must be really jealous of all the shit coming out your mouth
  • You came into this world like everyone else, naked, nasty and gasping for air. You're not that special
  • Fuck you and the shit storm you came in on.
  • Forget lemonade....When life gives you lemons, kick life in the balls and squeeze lemon juice in its eyes...
  • Anger now comes in a 5'3" package
  • How can we fuck ourselves again when we haven't un-fucked ourselves from the last time
  • It's so not a double standard. It's my standard.
  • Are you done whining about being sun-raped and ready to get back to work?
  • Just so you know, if you want me to hold your beer, I'm probably going to drink it all. Just saying.
  • I usually drink beer, but some times I feel like being classy. So I will drink wine, out of a box.\
  • To you it may be sub-compact but to me it's regular size.
  • My truck is a 2011 and it looks like an '09
  • I'm like a big ray of sunshine and a sunflower glistening from the morning dew.
  • You're living the dream, I'm just trying to wake up from it.
  • Yeah I'm team #2. I'm #2 because I'm the shit.
  • Some people need to fall on their face to see where they are.
  • I walked into the room and the smell was like a Two-by-four and hit me right in the face.
  • So did I pass my pee test? (Someone else: yeah you got a b+) There had better not have been any "plus" That's not something I need right now....
  • You grow from those who are there to support you and feed you, but your strength and determination will come from those who want to see you starve.... 
  • Sorry, I'm mid-turd you're gonna have to wait.
  • Checking the numbers huh? So that's what they call it now-a-days
  • I'm an automatic, I don't have a "stick" shift
  • My Lady Lawn looks like it's been abandoned for a couple of years
  • I swear this woman is mostly retarded
  • It may be mind over matter... but to me, I mind if I matter.
  • I have an anger tolerance of a mountain lion with rabies
  • When you're so far down the shithole it's gonna be dark. There is no bright side.
  • If you did what everyone wanted, you wouldn't be as awesome as you are now.
  • I never regret anything I have done because it made me who I am today: Awesome.
  • I'm not a plumber so don't be giving me your shit.
  • If it isn't broke, just wait cause it will be.

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