Sunday, January 8, 2012

So what rhymes with grass?

Ok so your looking in the mirror and you look at your backside. What is that? You know that thing that sticks out a little (ok more for some)... What is that thing? Oh yeah that's me. The ass. Ok so I made a complete ass of myself last night. Damn. Yeah, well you know shit happens. I got a little stupid and text happy. Uh. Yup so as you can imagine I made a few texts that I probably should not have. A couple were to some friends that I needed to vent to and needed to boost my self esteem.

 The other was to "that guy". I am such a dumbass. I texted him to come hang and of course he bailed, but the great part was that I asked him if I should just give up on him. Of course he dodged the question and said that he was just busy with work and school. I told him that I am busy too but that didn't answer my question. He never did answer it. But I rambled on like a complete idiot. Duh. SMH. I did apoligize to him today but didn't get a response. Why do I do this to myself. I should just delete him from my contacts to eleminate me embarassing myself again.

Anyways, I get to escape it for a couple of days. I get to hang out in chilly ass Philly. Brrr. I miss my Florida weather. I got to text my friend that I dupped "Buckeye Mike". He is the guy that I met in Jacksonville. The one with the championship ring. Anyways, he lives in Pittsburg. Don't know if we are going to met up or not but he is a really sweet guy. I'm not one for long distance relationships, but if I was he might be a good candidate. Still doesn't compare to my bff, but who really does? haha

So here is to being away from home and finding new places to drink with a great crew. When in doubt, drink it out. Haha. It's always a good time.

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