Saturday, February 11, 2012

The next day...

Well when I woke up this morning I wasn't very pretty. My eye was really swollen and red as well as my nose.

I got up and took some ibuprofen and iced my eye for a little while. Coffee always helps too. I took some Tylenol PM last night (along with some 100 proof Southern Comfort) and slept like a rock. I needed it. The bad thing was that I slept on the bad side of my face a little too much.

I also made a slightly poor decision to go jogging today. I needed to run. It had been a couple of days so I was feening. The run itself wasn't even easy. The wind was blowing pretty good so it made things a little difficult. Also I had a hard time wiping the sweat off my face. I had to be very careful not to hit my eye or nose, so I had to keep stopping.

I thought the extra blood pumping would help...but I think it might have made things worst. Here are some pics after the cool down and shower.

Another thing to put the icing on the cake was what happened after the run. I thought the run kinda hurt, but it was nothing compared to the dreaded moment when I sneezed not only once.... but twice. Owwwy.

1 comment:

  1. When I said work hard play harder, I did not mean to mutilate your face!
