Sunday, February 26, 2012

Almost at a stopping point....

These past few weeks have gone by in such a blur. I have been going non-stop since the beginning of the year. I can finally say that I only have a couple more days to go.

So what have I been doing that has my head on a tilt-o-whirl? Hmmm....lets see, I will list just some of the madness:

I had to finish up on the requirements to go to a school I needed for work. It doesn't sound like a big deal, but it something that had to be done in order to receive our boat. No pressure there. But the thing is that there was alot of things involved. I had to get alot of underway hours in a very short amount of time, qualify at the range (which I have been having issues with), get my recertification for boarding team member, shoot the rifle and shootgun and pass, take a TCT refresher, do my survival swim and a few other small things. Not to mention doing all this in a month.

Another thing was getting everything in order to leave for Louisiana. I had to decide what to pack and bring with me, what I wanted to take to my moms and what I wanted to leave at the apartment. Unfortunately I had to bring alot more than I had intended. Because of this school I had to bring my law enforcement gear and cold weather gear. I also knew that I would be making 2nd class while I was here so I had to bring extra uniforms that had the crows sewn on. That one I'm not complaining about. I decided to drive since I have friends and family a few hours from Louisiana. One of the other girls on the boat decided to ride with me so that meant that I had my stuff plus her stuff which equalled ALOT of stuff in the backseat.

My version of "junk in the trunk"

I also spent some time visiting my brothers in Mississippi and also spent a couple of night in New Orleans for Mardi Gras. Oh yeah thats right! And boy do I have some good stories on that adventure. I have also made it to Lockport Louisiana to start training on my boat. I also had to shoot JPC and get weighed in just so I could leave again. I am now at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina. Friday night I will be back in Louisiana and hopefully things will start to slow down a bit.

I have a ton of stories to tell but this is turning into a novel and I'm hungry. I will try my very best to make some time and write a little bit about the things that has happened in greater awesome detail!

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