Friday, February 10, 2012

Anyone can catch a frisbee.....

Anyone can catch a frisbee with their hands, I try to catch them with my face.

Ultimate Extreme Super-Duper Hardcore Frisbee

Don't worry, I'm ok. My nose was being totally over dramatic in the bleeding department. It looked like I had lost a pint of blood.

What had happened is that I went to block one of the guys from scoring and some how the frisbee got tipped and struck me in the face. Hurt like hell! At first I thought that it had f'd up my eye cause it hurt so much. I immediately covered it. When the shock of impact wore off a little I uncovered it and was able to see. So I thought that everything was cool and it just hurt a little....then the blood began to pour down my face. 

Everyone started to freak out, so much so I started to, then I was like "Whoa! I'm fine! I'm just bleeding...alot". One of the guys is an EMT so he came over and looked at it and he calmed things down.Well that and I started to joke about it.

As I am walking towards the first aid kit, I'm joking around saying that my nose was being over dramatic and telling the guy that I blocked that he was "denied". Haha, yeah I poke fun of just about anything. Once I knew I was ok, I was good.

After a shower and a little bit of clean up.

So the out come is this: I ended the game and our last day at the field with a BANG, no broken nose, a little swelling and blood shot eye, another funny story to tell, and I got to leave a little of myself to that field.

I just can't wait to see what I look like tomorrow morning. (That was said in the most sarcastic way possible). I guess the only date I will be on tonight will be with the Captain. (That is Captain Morgan or hell at this point Jack may even make an appearance)

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