Monday, April 30, 2012


HONEY...I'M HOME!!!! Oh, yeah. I forgot. I'm single. Anywho...I have finally arrived to my residence. I had a great weekend at my moms though. Nothing is better than home cooked meals when you had been living in a hotel for 2 months. I made it there in like 13 hours. It would have been sooner but I had to stop a couple of extra times.

So I spent my last night in Louisiana sitting with some of the guys eating crawfish, crabs, shrimp and drinking beer. We had so much food. There was at least 8 pounds of crawfish, a dozen or so blue crabs and 3 pounds of shrimp. We all were fat and happy afterwards. It was a great end to our time there.

The aftermath...

The only bad thing was I didn't get to bed until after midnight. I was suppose to leave at 6am. Well thats what time I ended up getting up. Talk about a little hung over. It took me a while to get going. 6:45 and I was finally out of there. I was sooo tired driving! I pretty much made an IV of energy drinks. But I made it to moms safe.

Extremely foggy morning in Louisiana

Today I get home and after many trips back and forth to my truck, I got all my crap inside. Why do I always pack so much crap? Haha. Lesson learned, but more than likely going to be repeated. I was excited to get home an look outside my window to see the awesome view from my apartment.

A rainy and cloudy Miami

NOPE! Haha jokes on me. I have to wait longer to see my view. Oh well. At least I am home.

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