Sunday, June 3, 2012

Garbled mess...

I can tell I was tired yesterday when I wrote my post. It didn't really flow as good as I intended. Oh well. Haha. I have been working myself to the bone. My feet all the way up to my middle back has been screaming at me. I have been on my feet almost non-stop. I'm just not use to standing and running around so much. Plus I need new insoles in my boost so that doesn't help much either.

I had a couple of days off this weekend and had to drive all the way back up to Miami to get some things I left at home. Of course it was stuff that I needed to have. I actually just wanted to stay on the boat and finish some of my work. I made it home with no issues. Hopefully I can make it back down to Key West this time. I should. My truck is a good ole girl and the belt thing was just something that happened.

So far the time in Key West has been good. Other than me being extremely busy, I do get some down time ever so often. One night me and another girl, Amanda (the same girl I roomed with in Louisiana) went to an Irish Pub and managed to drink quite a bit. I ended up walking off with two of their pint glasses. Haha. My cups now. Haha.

(I would insert the picture of them here, but they are in someone elses car right now.
 I still got my shit all over the place.)

Another time we went out and found a pool hall and spent most of the evening there. On the way back Amanda served into another lane to avoid a massive puddle in her lane. It had been downpouring most of the day so the roads were covered in water. Anyway she passed a cop car that already had someone pulled over. She slowed down and the next thing we know is that we see blue lights behind us! The cop had mentioned that she was swerving and didn't slow down far enough and I flicked a cigarette out the window which is littering. Amanda and I are like "Are you serious?" We explained that we swerved to dodge a puddle cause earlier in the day we soaked someone. He said "ah maybe the guy needed a bath". Oh my god I about died! I couldn't hold in the laughter anymore and just got into this outrageous giggle fit directed at the cop. I had Amanda in tears and the cop was trying so hard not to laugh. It was just funny. We didn't really do anything wrong and the cop was just like, yeah you guys are good.

Well....I guess I better get loaded up and back on the road. I have to get back to Key West because I got so much I got to do. It just sucks that there is no public internet so it's difficult to get on here. I can always do it on my phone, but it would take my forever. I will figure something out. I don't get signal down in my stateroom either so I have to go in a common area to use the phone or internet. Most of what I do is nobodys business but mine. I will figure something out. I always do.

Until the next time!

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