Friday, October 5, 2012

That's not gonna buff out...

So this weeks rant is about some jerk off deciding to hit my truck in the parking lot. A multi-million dollar marina an you still have some asshole who hits your truck. My truck had been sitting in the parking lot since Sunday and on Tuesday I went to go to the store and noticed a white streak down the side of my drivers side door and rear door.

I called the security and he came to look at it and then called the West Palm Beach police to right up a report. The security guard was going to let his supervisor know and try to look through the video footage. The only bad thing is that the camera was pointed on the passenger side of the truck. The camera on the boat was two spots down from where I was parked. Dammit!! I still need to get an estimate and I'm waiting for the security to tell me something. The security guy said Rybovich may even pay for it. Yeah, we'll see...

 So the next day I told the rest of the crew what happened. I was also up on the bridge and I look out to my truck. Wouldn't you know some guys are leaning up against it. As I am looking out I say "What the?!? Get your grubby ass hands off my truck." I get up and step out side and yell "Hey! Do you mind not leaning up against that truck!?!". They instantly got off it. Everyone else on the bridge just looked at me. What? I didn't want them scratching up my truck anymore than it is already. One of the guys said to me "It's a truck". No it's my truck. I told him so and added "It's a 2011 and it looks like an '09!" Haha. Meaning that ever since I got here people have been dinging it up and just plain being asshole and not respecting or caring about anyone else. Either way, I can't wait to get out of here.

Just a head's up to the next clown who decides to "tap" my truck

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